On the real extent of the risks they run . The risks the reliability of the cloud Let's start with a sore point, alongside a famous joke THERE IS NO CLOUD, IT'S JUST SOMEONE ELSE'S COMPUTER with fog of wires Image from h by What you see above is a rare snapshot of what the cloud really is… that is, nothing more than a server one or more servers, it doesn't matter managed by others to whom you entrust your data. As much as a manager, whoever he may be, praises his security features, remember that the data encryption keys are always in his possession , unless the contrary is explicitly stated. What does all this mean? That system administrators can always access the data and can due to attacks on the servers or human error lose it or have it stolen by third parties. The first objection to this type of risk is that the managers are giants who spend millions of dollars on security, the data is more than safe.
Well, below is the ranking of the top "data leaks" , i.e. massive loss of data or accounts photo editing servies suffered by these more than safe managers . Equifax million accounts + , credit cards year . eBay million accounts year . Adult Friend Finder million accounts year . Marriott International million accounts year . Yahoo THREE BILLION accounts year The source is CSO online and it is only the most striking data and not necessarily the most recent available online. Don't think there are only these, there is also Dropbox, MySpace, Linkedin, Spotify, Tumbler and many others still remaining a few years ago . The risks passwords Passwords are like house keys. They must be treated with care, without leaving them unattended.
Furthermore, you should never use the same password on two different sites. If your password is stolen from one site, all sites on which it is used are potentially compromised. Dropbox lost million accounts to an employee who also used his work password on LinkedIn. Thanks to the data leak on LinkedIn, hackers managed to penetrate Dropbox's systems. All due to the sole imprudence of an employee. source Lastpass blog How can a password be stolen ? Database theft hack sites Theft of files on your PC with passwords saved in clear text Phishing / Social engineering Interception of network traffic man in the middle We have already talked about database theft.