Means, it’s helpful to get to know some of the terminology first. Marketing terminology isn’t complex. Go over the following list a few times, and you’ll get the gist. You may even get ideas for ways to improve your digital marketing efforts. Without further ado, here are some of the main digital marketing terms you need to know about. A/B testing A/B testing means comparing two digital ads promoting the same product. Marketers use this tactic to find the best font, keywords, landing page links, and more.
A/B testing can also be used to choose site keywords and design email marketing campaigns. Brand positioning Brand positioning means creating a voice, brand colors, and logo to stand out from the competition. It also includes the core values that make your Bahrain WhatsApp Number business exceptional. Conversion rate The percentage of consumers who complete a desired action on your site represents your conversion rate. The task could be making a purchase, signing up for emails, or liking and following you on social media.
Conversion rate optimization This term refers to improving your conversion rate to increase the number of people buying goods or services from your website. It’s also known as CRO. It’s one of the best ways to improve results without spending more on digital advertising. Cost per acquisition Cost per acquisition (CPA) is also known as customer acquisition cost (CAC).