Accounting liquidity Accounting liquidity measures the ease with which a person or company can meet its financial obligations with its liquid assets, namely the ability to pay debts when they fall due. Very rare cards are illiquid and likely won't be bought at their true value. Evaluating accounting liquidity means comparing liquid assets with current liabilities or financial obligations maturing within one year. How are assets divided according to liquidity? Depending on the degree of liquidity, there are liquid assets and assets with a reduced level of liquidity. Liquid assets – cash, shares, money in bank accounts, receivables, etc.; Assets with a low level of liquidity – objects of art, cars, real estate, machinery, etc. Liquidity measurement - Calculation formula General liquidity formula : Current assets / Current liabilities Formula Immediate liquidity: (current assets – stocks) / current liabilities Current liquidity formula .
Current assets/current liabilities Let's assume, for example, that the current assets of a Phone Number Data company total 25,000 lei, and the current liabilities amount to 32,000 lei. This means that the current ratio is 25,000 lei / 32,000 = 0.78125. Theoretically, a company with a current ratio of less than 1 does not have enough current assets to cover its current liabilities and thus could have liquidity problems. The cash rate is the most demanding of the liquidity rates. This assesses a company's ability to remain solvent in an emergency. Cash equivalents can be, for example: securities, deposits, etc. Cash ratio formula: Cash and cash equivalents / current liabilities Financial return formula: (Net profit/Equity) * 100 If the resulting value is greater than 5%, it means that the activity carried out within the company was efficient from the point of view of equity. The general solvency ratio calculates the company's ability to pay its debts. If the solvency ratio is lower than 1, then the company is insolvent.
General solvency ratio formula: Total assets/Current liabilities What does liquidity risk entail? Liquidity risk refers to the company's exposure to losses as a result of the inability to pay when due. So there is not enough cash to pay the debts. Entrepreneurs must assess in advance the likelihood of needing cash and use it to meet any contingencies. Investors, managers and lenders use ratios to measure liquidity when deciding an organization's risk level. If a company has a high liquidity risk, it will have to sell assets to reduce the discrepancy between available liquidity and debt payments. For example, the sale of a house worth €1,600,000 may not have any buyers when the housing market is down. The real estate agent may sell the house at a lower price if they need money quickly and if they need to sell while the market is down.