The ideal is to have a Blog or News section on your site, in order to host the content produced. of visitors to your business website. In addition to increasing your online visibility , these articles will establish your brand image, positioning you as an expert in your field. Even if not all visitors turn into leads, everyone will have the impression that they are dealing with a specialist in the sector , a company that is an authority on the subject. This impression can be reinforced if you vary the content.
In addition to optimized blog articles, you can Phone Number Data offer white papers , a buying guide or even webinars. In addition, this content must be unpublished : in fact, in addition to damaging your image, plagiarized content risks harming your SEO. Search engines now have the ability to recognize duplicate content from previously unpublished content – whether it is a simple paragraph or an entire article! In order not to be penalized by search engines, it is therefore necessary to publish original content each time. There are also good SEO practices to know regarding the actual writing of articles.
The targeted keyword must appear enough times in the Hn - the intertitles -, and it may be appropriate to vary the query in Hn as well. For example, for an article on inbound marketing, if the majority of intertitles must include the keyword “inbound marketing”, others can revolve around longer-tail keywords: “inbound marketing definition”, “inbound agency marketing” “inbound marketing”, “inbound marketing strategy”, “inbound and outbound marketing”… If these keywords are less searched than the main query, they are still part of the semantic cocoon .