Ingredient: This approach will take some digging. Using ChatGPT you can ask it to browse the web. Below are some example prompts I used to dig into a specific industry. Example Prompt : Browse the web and identify the top research studies that are related to critical issues for selling ERP systems to small and medium sized enterprises. Provide a synopsis of each article with the top takeaways. Cite your sources. Example Prompt : and strategic responses within the ERP industry. Specifically address the current state of small
and medium sized enterprises and success factors. [and a Afghanistan WhatsApp Number fun one related to cheese!] Example Prompt : Browse the web and identify the top research studies that are related to critical issues US cheese manufacturers. Provide a synopsis of each article with the top takeaways. Cite your sources. ChatGPT response including articles by Gartner and Salesforce on ERP technology and medium-sized business. Summarize a Video or Podcast Episode Goal: Find nuggets and talking points from a podcast interview or video without needing to spend the time to
listen to the full episode. Ingredients: You will need a transcript of the episode. There are a few ways to obtain this. If the episode is on YouTube you can download a transcript (look for the dots next to the “share” “clip” and “download” buttons. A screenshot of the button on YouTube that allows you to download the transcript of the video. Some podcasters publish a transcript on their site. Or you can load it into an auto transcription tool like ChatGPT is not able to handle large files like a transcript. So you’ll need another tool to handle this. I use Notion AI for this purpose.