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In this process, DNS plays an important role in ensuring that the domain name you choose is connected to the appropriate IP address. Domain Name Registration For example, when you register the domain “example.com”, DNS will ensure that when someone enters “example.com” in their browser, the DNS server will tell that browser that the IP address associated with the domain “example.com” is .
Website Hosting Next, when your website is registered, you need Indonesia Phone Number Indonesia Phone Number to have hosting for the website. Website hosting involves storing all website files on a server so that the website can be accessed from the internet. In this case, DNS plays an important role in ensuring that your website can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Website Hosting Every website hosting has a unique IP address associated with the registered domain.
When someone tries to access your website, the DNS server will tell the browser that the IP address associated with that domain is the IP address hosting your website. That way, the browser will direct the user to your website hosting server and load the website page. Also read: How to Easily Install WordPress in Mail Server Steps Finally, DNS also plays an important role in managing the mail server. The mail server is used to send and receive email from your domain. In this case, DNS is used to determine the IP address of the mail server associated with your domain. |