We talk in detail about how to promote in Telegram and run advertising in Telegram channels in a practical course "Promotion in Telegram." You will learn how to create a community from scratch, work with content and audience, select channels for seeding and analyze the results. What are the dangers of cheating on Telegram? Channels with a fake audience and artificial activity are needed by scammers to quickly make money from advertising. There are no other goals or benefits for boosting a Telegram channel. The messenger does not have a smart feed, and a large audience will not provide any benefits in the form of additional coverage.
Such methods of promotion are permissible only at the initial stage, within reasonable limits, and should be done with caution. Why cheating on Telegram is bad: The channel’s reputation suffers. Unfair promotion methods undermine the messenger’s trust in the channel. In the statistics Web Development Services service TGStat, for cheating subscribers in Telegram, you can get a red exclamation mark, and the Telegram channel will be excluded from the general catalogue; in Telegram, a ban is provided for abuse of gray methods. Advertisers are losing money. They simply waste their budget or get more subscribers to the telegram channel that they advertised.

The latter is even worse, because you will have to clean the audience yourself so as not to incur the wrath of Telegram and return up-to-date statistics. Red mark on the channel in TGStat Red mark on the channel in TGStat But, As long as the price of advertising depends on the amount of activity and audience, recruiting people on Telegram will continue to exist. By what signs can you immediately identify cheating in Telegram? There are red flags that immediately make it clear that you should not get involved with the Telegram channe.