Google uses tags to understand the content and context of your videos. Avoid using irrelevant tags. Study competitor videos if necessary. To add tags, simply go to the video details and enter your tags in the field of the same name. ORGANIZE YOUR VIDEOS IN THE PROPER CATEGORY – Categorize videos. Once the video is uploaded, you will choose its category in the “More” tab. UPLOADER AN OPTIMIZED THUMBONY – Upload a custom thumbnail that encourages clicks. You can put text that complements the title on the thumbnail, this often attracts attention. DRIVE USERS TO ENGAGE – Encourage the audience to comment/like/subscribe. USE SHORTS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE – Create “shorts” Ideal for reaching consumers with shorter attention spans, YouTube Shorts are the perfect solution to generate
more engagement for your channel, increase your subscribers and highlight the authentic side of your brand. It’s also an opportunity to ride the trends. Shorts are also generally less expensive to produce Hong Kong Phone Number than a traditional video. OFF-VIDEO BEST PRACTICES FOR SEO ON YOUTUBE: CHOOSE YOUR TIME WELL –Publish videos at the right time. You can watch when your audience watches your videos to match your posts with that time. PUBLISH REGULARLY – Maintain regularity in the frequency of publication. , but one video per week seems to be a good number, especially when launching a channel. The audience will see your videos more often and will get used to seeing your content regularly. This consistency could possibly increase the ranking of your content. CREATE ENGAGEMENT
Create engagement by responding to comments. If your audience feels considered and has the impression of being close to you, they will be loyal to you. Add style to comments used to respond You can use rich text to format the comment with special tags, such as: *bold text*→ bold _italicized text_→ italic -strikethrough text-→ strikethrough RELAY YOUR CREATIONS ON THE NETWORKS SOCIAL –Share your videos on social networks. GROUP VIDEOS INTO PLAYLISTS –Create playlists. MEET THE DEMAND OF YOUR AUDIENCE – Observe the viewing time of your videos and try to increase it as much as possible by watching the videos that work or do not work and learning lessons. SELECT A GOOD VIDEO TO PLACE IN THE