The following questions will help you: Are you starting from scratch or has information-oriented content already been created? How useful is the content? Is the content up to date or are you better at it now? Does the content address your target group or buyer personas and solve their problems? How can you implement these topics even better? Which content is particularly popular? What content is still missing? Can or must outdated content be deleted? sitequery-google_topicfinding cm Tip: You can do a site query for a quick audit.
In this case, I checked whether there was already something on the topic of finding topics in content Special Data marketing on Seocracy, or rather what content. This way you can ensure that you don't cover any topic twice and get an overview of your articles. What is particularly interesting is which topic does not yet exist. And which topics need a new coat of paint. It is advisable to check and maintain your content from time to time . The next point is the development of new topics. A side tip: search operators can make your life easier when searching. You can find out which ones exist and how to use them at Google to optimize web searches or in Olaf Kopp's article on Google search operators .
Strategic topic identification After you have “reviewed” the existing content, you can start looking for new topics. There are several different approaches available to you. It is not always necessary to apply all of them. But I would like to give you all the tools. Use your “neighbors” as topic suppliers! “Why wander into the distance when the good is so close,” Goethe already knew. So put the saying into practice and get inspiration for your topics from colleagues, friends, customers and your competition. Cheating on the competition Take a look at your competitors' websites. And also in related journals and magazines. the following also applies here: it's okay to work up an appetite, but eat at home.